Thank you for your interest in our artist.
To make your appointment easier, be sure to complete this form according to the instructions given at each step.
Each project is submitted to and approved by the artist based on the specific requests.
Please note that Moïse does not send sketches beforehand, each sketch being presented during the tattoo appointment and produced following the references provided as well as the composition criteria required by you, adding his personal touch.
For guest spots, sketchs will be created and sent a few days in advance -at your request- to allow a better worflow during the appointment.
However, for each person he anticipates a first step, at the start of the session on the big day, to adjust the pattern according to your wishes as for its composition, its dimensions or placement on your body.
Upon receival of your appointment request and after reviewing your project, you will receive an estimate for the session, an estimated realisation time, as well as a proposed date.
To confirm your appointment, you will then need to pay a booking fee of €30 ( converted to your currency at the ongoing rate ) via PayPal, which will act as deposit but will not be deducted from the final amount.
At the time of your tattoo session, for optimal comfort, remember to come nourished and well rested, hopefully with moisturized skin and comfortable clothing that will not cause ink stains.
Don’t hesitate to bring snacks in case you feel hungry !
See you soon !